Assemble sausages for canning by stacking patties in heated pint jars.
Each jar can hold around 4-5 patties; adjust as per your quantity.
Leave about 1" headroom at the top for expansion during canning.
Remove trapped air bubbles using a rubber/plastic spatula.
Run a spatula gently in the jar, and top up with hot water if needed.
Wipe jar rims with a vinegar-soaked paper towel for a tight seal.
Place heated lids and rings on the jars, and tighten the rings finger-tight.
Prepare a pressure canner and process pint jars for 75 minutes.
Use 10 lbs of pressure for the weighted gauge canner or 11 lbs for the dial gauge. (Quarts need 90 minutes under the same pressure settings as pints)
After pressure canning, the jars' contents may boil, and the fat ring could form on top.
Cooling jars should be fine if a thin, fat ring remains around the rim.
Once cooled, label jars with the recipe name and canning date for easy tracking.