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Canning Pickled Red Cabbage Recipe – Step-by-step How To Can Red Cabbage

Canning Pickled Red Cabbage Recipe

Dani García
Fresh, crunchy canning pickled red cabbage to savour, share with friends and diversify your pantry
Prep Time 1 day 6 hours 10 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Canning Time 20 minutes
Total Time 1 day 6 hours 40 minutes


  • 1 Water Bath Canner
  • Mason Jars
  • Canning Lids
  • Jar Lifter


  • Red cabbage
  • Salt
  • Red wine vinegar
  • Mustard seeds optional
  • Brown sugar
  • Bouquet garni combination of various spices and herbs like thyme, bay leaves, peppercorns, etc.
  • Water


Preparing Red Cabbage

  • Choose a solid and thick cabbage with a pleasing crunch when bitten into
  • Remove any outer leaves that are not in good condition
  • Wash and scrub the cabbage carefully to ensure it's clean and safe to eat
  • Slicing the Cabbage
  • Chop the colorful leaves into lovely ribbons, preferably thin or bite-sized pieces
  • Layer salt on the cabbage to enhance flavor and allow the brine to work its magic
  • Let the cabbage sit in the refrigerator for 24 hours to allow the flavors to meld and develop
  • Rinse the pickled cabbage after waiting for about 6 hours to remove excess salt and reveal the true essence of the taste

Preparing The Brine

  • Use red wine vinegar for a softer acidity and a milder tang
  • Consider adding mustard seeds for a smoky and earthy scent
  • Add brown sugar to achieve a delicate balance of tanginess, warmth, and sweetness
  • Experiment with different spices and herbs to create a unique aroma in the bouquet garni
  • Mix all the ingredients in a pot and simmer for 5 minutes at a low boil to blend the flavors and release the bouquet garni's lovely scents

Water Bath Canning

  • Carefully transfer the pickled cabbage and the brine into clean, sterilized canning jars
  • Ensure there is enough headspace, and seal the jars with lids and bands
  • Process the jars in a water bath canner according to safe canning guidelines for 20 minutes (modify based on altitute chart)
  • Once the canning process is complete, let the jars cool and check for proper seals
  • Label the sealed jars with the date and store them in a cool, dark place for long-term preservation


  • Always follow proper canning procedures and use reliable recipes.
  • Adjust processing times for your altitude to ensure safe canning.
  • Discard any jars with signs of spoilage or unsealed lids.
  • Ensure all canning equipment is thoroughly cleaned and sanitized before use.
  • Cut the cabbage into uniform, thin slices to ensure even pickling.
  • Experiment with spices and herbs to customize the flavor of your pickled red cabbage.
  • Add garlic, ginger, or chili peppers for extra kick and complexity.
  • Let the pickled red cabbage sit for at least two weeks before opening to allow flavors to develop.